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Officielt: Adele har givet sin sidste koncert nogensinde

Adele stopper med at give koncerter.

Er du stor fan af Adele, og har du ikke set hende live, så er det surt show.

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Ifølge flere medier uddelte Adele nemlig et personligt brev til alle 98.000 koncertgængere på Wembley Stadion i går, hvor hun er ved at afslutte sin turne.

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Dermed vil den 29-årige sanger kun indspille musik fremover og vi skal altså ikke forvente at se flere turneer fra hendes side.

Læs hele brevet her:

???✒❤Photo by Traci @tracii_m Translation by @wannabeadkins Adele @Adele's letter from her your book! "So this is it after 15 months on the road and 18 months of 25 we are at the end. We have taken this tour across uk+ Ireland, throughout Europe, all over America and I finally got to go to Australia and New Zealand too. Touring is a peculiar thing, it doesn't suit me particularly well. I'm a real homebody and I get so much joy in the small things. Plus I'm dramatic and have a terrible history of touring. Until now that is! I've done 119 shows and these last 4 will take me up to 123, it has been hard out an absolute thrill and pleasure to have done. I only ever did this tour for you and to hopefully have an impact on you the way that some of my favourite artist have had on me live. And I wanted my final shows to be in London because I don't know if I'll ever tour again and so I want my last time to be at home. Thank you for coming, for all of your ridiculous love and kindness. I will remember all of this for the rest of my life. Love you. Goodnight for now" ❤️Adele #Adele #Adelettes #AdeleLive2017

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