Arsenals Alexis Sanchez bliver ydmyget på Twitter efter eftermiddagens nederlag på 3-1 til Manchester City.
Arsenal tabte her til eftermiddag med 3-1 på udebane til et velspillende Manchester City-mandskab.
Alexis Sanchez spillede en rigtig skidt kamp, og den chilenske profil bliver nu ydmyget på Twitter for sin ringe indsats.
Alexis Sanchez is so frustrating to watch…the ball hogging, making the wrong pass, not passing at all, giving the ball away, the strops..
— Daniel Roberts (@Moomino) 5. november 2017
If this was a job interview for Alexis Sanchez, he's basically sat in his chair for the whole thing, and replied 'dunno' to each question.
— Paddy Power (@paddypower) 5. november 2017
I pray Ramsey decks Alexis in the dressing room after this.
— Billy Dunmore (@Dunmoreorless) 5. november 2017
Arsenal played against (Man City + officials + Alexis + Ozil). We had no chance.
— Mohamed ElNneny (@ElNnenyM) 5. november 2017
Özil and Alexis not up for this, surprising. ?
— wtvs.potato (@YohoRobo) 5. november 2017