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Pogbas agent fik 150 millioner kroner for Pogba-transfer: Nu har han købt denne monstervilla

Paul Pogbas agent Mino Raiola fik angiveligt 150 millioner kroner ud af franskmandens rekordskifte til Manchester United. Nu har han spenderet en tredjedel på denne absurd vilde villa.

Mino Raiola har haft en mindeværdig sommer, da han har stået bag den største transfer nogensinde i fodbold – nemlig Paul Pogbas rekordskifte til Manchester United.

Superagenten fik 150 millioner kroner ud af anstrengelserne, og de skal ikke støve til. 50 millioner kroner er nemlig blevet spenderet på en luksusvilla.

Det rapporterer

Se billeder af den her.

MIAMI BEACH, FL - MARCH 18:  The former home of Al Capone is seen during a tour of the historic house on March 18, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida.  The home being restored by MB America was built in 1922 and bought by the prohibition-era gangster in 1928, the property, now renamed 93 Palm, is one of Miamis oldest and most notorious estates. The colonial-style, seven-bedroom property features three houses - the gate house, the main villa and the pool cabana.  (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
MIAMI BEACH, FL – MARCH 18: The former home of Al Capone is seen during a tour of the historic house on March 18, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida. The home being restored by MB America was built in 1922 and bought by the prohibition-era gangster in 1928, the property, now renamed 93 Palm, is one of Miamis oldest and most notorious estates. The colonial-style, seven-bedroom property features three houses – the gate house, the main villa and the pool cabana. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
MIAMI BEACH, FL - MARCH 18:  The pool cabana is seen during a tour of the former home of Al Capone on March 18, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida.  The home being restored by MB America was built in 1922 and bought by the prohibition-era gangster in 1928, the property, now renamed 93 Palm, is one of Miamis oldest and most notorious estates. The colonial-style, seven-bedroom property features three houses - the gate house, the main villa and the pool cabana.  (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
MIAMI BEACH, FL – MARCH 18: The pool cabana is seen during a tour of the former home of Al Capone on March 18, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida. The home being restored by MB America was built in 1922 and bought by the prohibition-era gangster in 1928, the property, now renamed 93 Palm, is one of Miamis oldest and most notorious estates. The colonial-style, seven-bedroom property features three houses – the gate house, the main villa and the pool cabana. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
MIAMI BEACH, FL - MARCH 18:  A walkway leading to the pool and a small beach area is seen during a tour of the former home of Al Capone on March 18, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida.  The home being restored by MB America was built in 1922 and bought by the prohibition-era gangster in 1928, the property, now renamed 93 Palm, is one of Miamis oldest and most notorious estates. The colonial-style, seven-bedroom property features three houses - the gate house, the main villa and the pool cabana.  (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
MIAMI BEACH, FL – MARCH 18: A walkway leading to the pool and a small beach area is seen during a tour of the former home of Al Capone on March 18, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida. The home being restored by MB America was built in 1922 and bought by the prohibition-era gangster in 1928, the property, now renamed 93 Palm, is one of Miamis oldest and most notorious estates. The colonial-style, seven-bedroom property features three houses – the gate house, the main villa and the pool cabana. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) søger skribenter. Er det noget for dig, eller en du kender?

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