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Overværede Everton-United i Chelsea-jakke: Har før poseret med denne ikoniske træner og denne bomber

Emily Rogawski fik sit navn i flere overskrifter på medier verden over, fordi hun overværede Everton og Manchester United iført Chelsea-jakke. Et kig på hendes Instagram-profil viser, at hun er stor fodboldfan.

Blev hadet på, fordi hun kom til Everton-kamp i Chelsea-jakke: Nu kommer hun med monster-kækt modsvar

Everton og Manchester United spiller 1-1 i går, og det var Emily Rogawski, der stjal opmærksomheden, fordi hun så kampen iført en Chelsea-jakke.

Hun fortalte i ovenstående Instagram-post, at hun var en stor fodboldfan, og det må man sige, hun er.

Hun har før mødt Jurgen Klinsmann og Didier Drogba.

I cannot believe it was one year ago when I finally met @didierdrogba at his book signing. This day meant so much I even got 'Commitment' tattooed. I remember all of the details like it was yesterday.. Waking up at 3am to catch the earliest train to London. Being one of the first people in line & shaking with excitement. I've cried every time I saw you play, but I said to myself "This is different. You are finally properly meeting him. You have to stay calm." When you walked in I teared up a little bit. The way you command attention when you walk in the room is no different from than the energy you bring on the pitch. I was very impressed with how I was keeping my composure. It was finally my turn & I walked up to the table nervously, with your book in one hand & card for you in the other. I wondered if you would recognise or remember me. I thought I'd tell you that I was the girl who has your autograph tattooed or had the huge sign at your debut. But as I got closer to the table you had a smirk on your face. I thought I was doing something wrong! When I got to the table before I even opened my mouth you said "Hello Emily" in your deep voice & smiling. I now know that smirk really meant "I'm going to confuse her & freak her out so badly."???? I was SPEECHLESS & totally NOT as cool & slick as I intended to be!! One of the few words I was able to say was "It's for my mom! I wish she was here!" & looking back now it's so amazing that you two finally met as well. I was also able to say "Didier can I give this to you please" as the security guard tried ripping the card out of my hand???? I'm glad I got to redeem myself this summer haha. I'm so glad I had the opportunity then to thank you. The first of many letters???? Back then I could have never ever imagined everything that happened this past year. Once again, thank you for everything Angel Didier???????????????????? #DailyDoseOfDidier

Et billede slået op af Emily Rogawski ⚽ (@emilyrogawski) den

The ONLY reason I started following the USMNT. I truly despised this team before you came & you changed that. Germany was always the national team I supported & I felt that you being the US coach was God's way of begging me to support them. Over the years you've had some ups and downs, & while I think the good outweighed the bad I can't believe this is coming to an end. I think you were an AMAZING coach with many average players & a few top shelf players. US soccer is always very quick to point fingers at the coach instead of dealing with the fact that they have a bunch of average mediocre players with a few exceptions. You had clear visions that sometimes US Soccer did not let you see through because as you noticed in the US, sometimes they're more focused on pleasing people & marketing than quality football & actually improving the game & winning. I am very very sad about this. But then again maybe US Soccer doesn't deserve you. I hope in your next coaching adventure you're not faced with so many players who are ???? & whine & complain about how "challenging" your sessions are. I know success is headed your way Jügen! Thank you for making me a proud German-American for 5 years!????????????????⚽️❤️ Guess I'll go back to supporting the team only when Geoff, Christian, Joe & Juan play✌????️

Et billede slået op af Emily Rogawski ⚽ (@emilyrogawski) den

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