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Kan du huske Alexandre Pato? Sådan går det ham i Tianjin Quanjian

Alexandre Pato skiftede til Tianjin Quanjian tidligere på året, og brasilianeren har været en succes.

Alexandre Pato tog til Tianjin Quanjian tidligere på året, og han har været en stor succes for sin kinesiske klub.

Mens andre stjerner har fejlet, har den brasilianske angriber kæmpet og scoret mål, hvilket har sikret hans hold det kinesiske mesterskab.

Det skriver han på Instagram, hvor han ydermere beretter, at han nåede op på flotte 15 mål i 24 kampe.

Se opslaget her.

What a feeling! I can remember when coach Cannavaro called me and asked me to join him and Tianjin Quanjian. I answered: Yes, of course I will join you. And I will fight in this new challenge!”. I arrived in China and I knew already that it wouldn’t be very easy but with a lot of work we arrived to the top, achieving a result that almost no one expected. I remember that coach Cannavaro did a meeting with all the Tianjin Quanjian team and he asked to the players: “what are your objectives of the season? Where do you think this team can arrive?” I answered: “Let’s think about the points! Let’s make the points and we will see where we will arrive. With points match after match, step by step we will arrive at the top!” I can say that now match after match, step by step we did it! We arrived at the top! It is a true huge satisfaction for me, for the coach, for the players and a dream come true for our President and all the supporters. We wrote a good page in Chinese football this season with many exciting matches, amazing goals and unforgettable victories. With my 15 goals in 24 matches I am proud for helping to make it possible. They gave me a mission…and I can say I succeeded and I did it well! Jia you! ❤️??❤️? Thank you God??

Et opslag delt af Pato ?? (@pato) den


