Rygterne går i den argentinske presse, hvor der skrives, at Jorge Sampaoli efter ønske fra spillerne er blevet fyret før den sidste gruppekamp mod Nigeria.
Jorge Sampaoli har fået massiv kritik i den nationale- og internationale presse efter det svigende 0-3-nederlag til Kroatien torsdag aften.
Nu skriver blandt andet TyC, at holdets spillere har indgivet et ønske til ledelsen om at få fyret deres manager inden den afgørende gruppekamp mod Nigeria i næste uge.
Klubbens ledelse er klar til at fyre deres landstræner, såfremt Jorge Burruchaga tager imod jobbet og fører dem i kamp allerede mod Nigeria.
Se en række tweets om den rygtede chok-fyring her.
Rumors in Argentina saying now that the players have asked Jorge Sampaoli to not coach the final game against Nigeria on Tuesday and he accepted meaning that Jorge Burruchaga will be the manager. Only rumors mind you but certainly a mutiny I haven’t seen since France 2010.
— Roberto Rojas (@RobertoRojas97) 22. juni 2018
BREAKING: The entire Argentina squad gathered for a meeting & unanimously asked for Jorge Sampaoli to be removed and asked for him not to be involved in the match against Nigeria.
Jorge Burruchaga has been asked to step in as Sampaoli's replacement. [TyC] pic.twitter.com/Uf7Ipe9SDO
— Akhlaq Qureshi (@AkhlaqQureshi) 22. juni 2018
?? All rumours but hearing that the team wants Sampaoli to step back and that he has done so. New manager will be Jorge Burruchaga, former Olympics NT manager. Should be announced soon.
— Denis ? (@Deninstagram) 22. juni 2018
It appears Jorge BURRUCHAGA has been asked to step in as SAMPAOLI’s replacement for the match against Nigeria. El Burru as he is known, was the player that scored Argentina’s winning goal in the 1986 World Cup final against Germany.#WCsoka25
— Collins Okinyo (@bedjosessien) 22. juni 2018
❗️Several reports state that Argentina players want Sampaoli to be sacked, and Jorge Burruchaga, an ex-Argentina footballer, will coach the team against Nigeria. [via @RoyNemer] pic.twitter.com/0xYoX1zu2s
— Barça Centre (@barcacentre) 22. juni 2018