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Adrian Mutu afslører utrolig historie om Francesco Totti – læs den her

Francesco Totti har netop afsluttet sin karriere hos Roma, og nu bringer den tidligere storspiller Adrian Mutu en utrolig historie om det italienske fodbold-ikon.

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Francesco Totti er en af de få spillere, der næsten er umulig at hade, og efter Adrian Mutus historie om Totti, ja, så forstår man det godt.

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Efter Tottis afskedskamp i søndags, så lagde Adrian Mutu et billede op på Instagram, hvor han fortæller om dengang Totti personligt prøvede at hente ham til Roma.

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The Sun har oversat teksten til engelsk, og du kan læse historien her:

– One of my idols is retiring. One of the best ‘No.10s’ in the world, who has influenced my childhood not only with his class, or with his style, but with his incredible goals.

– Francesco, it has been an honour playing against you. Watching – admiring – your skills. As a player, no one has anything negative to say and I’m sure it’s the same as man. In fact, I will tell you a story which will always stay with me.

– Do you remember the summer when I was close to joining Roma? One day, Francesco called me and said: ‘Adri, I will take a pay cut of €1m (£870,000) a-year and give it to Fiorentina so we can form an attacking partnership together. Do you want to come? To be completely honest, I couldn’t say no in that moment, how could I when Totti is saying something like that to me?


